Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies (MAIS)

The purpose of Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies- (MAIS) is to equip students for a variety of Christian ministries in cross-cultural contexts, enabling them to be competent in leadership and communication with intercultural sensitivity. The MAISM program seeks to develop students with varied levels of cross-cultural exposure.

Program Learning Outcomes

At the end of the program, graduates will be able to do the following:

  • Demonstrate a broad understanding of Christian faith from biblical, theological, and historical perspectives.

  • Demonstrate skills in applying spiritual practices for their own growth and for the development of others.

  • Demonstrate the capacity for leadership and ministry in environments or cultures different than their own.

  • Demonstrate knowledge and skills related to the mission of God and church in a culturally complex world.

Degree Requirements

Students must complete at least 42 semester credit hours with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 on a scale of 4.0. In addition, students must complete a master’s thesis. The maximum time limit for completion of the MAISM is five years. This time limit may only be extended in special circumstances by petition to the academic dean.


Kim, Ki Bok | 김기복 박사-초빙교수

MS 461 - 하나님형상 회복과 치유 The Counseling Ministry for Restoration

MN 533 - 가정사역과 상담 Family Ministry & Counseling

Oh, Mi Gyeong | 오미경 박사-초빙교수

FM 500 - 가정사역과 선교 Family Ministry & Mission

Jun, Ho Jin |전호진 박사-전임교수

TH 700 - Asian Religions History of Church (Asia)

MS 510 - 선교 신학 Theology of Mission

Kim, Byeong Il | 김병일 박사-초빙교수

MS 535 - 선교 문화인류학 Mission and Cultural Anthropology

MS 546 - 세계 선교역사 World Mission History

Seon, Jong Yook | 선종욱 박사-초빙교수

MS 585 - 교육 심리학 The Educational Psychology

MS 523 - 비전과 교육 Lifelong Vision and Learning

MS 513 - 교육을 통한 라이프 비젼 세우기 Building the Life Vision Education

Lee, Young Gyu | 이영규 박사-전임교수, 박사원장

MN 502 - 리더십 평생개발론 Leadership Development

MN751 - 맨토링과 은사개발 Mentoring & Giftedness

Lee, Keum Hee | 이금희 박사-전임교수, 온라인 처장

TH 550 - 신학 영어 Theological English

IS 750 - 언어와 문화 Language and Culture

Oh, Joseph | 오요셉 박사-전임교수, 대학원장

MS 853 - 이슬람 확산과 선교 Spread of Islam and Mission

MS 538 - 세계 선교 역사 History of Christian World Mission

MS 548 - 타문화권 전도와 교회개척 Cross-cultural Evangelism and Church Planting

Lee, Geun Chul | 이근철 박사-전임교수, 교학처장

BI 705 - 그리스도와 복음서 Jesus Christ and the Gospels

BI 501 - 신약 개론 New Testament Survey

Park, Chong Moo | 박종무 박사- 총장, 전임교수

MS 851 - 한국 선교 전래사 Korean Mission History Seminar

MS 500 - 성서의 선교원리 Biblical Principles of Mission

MS 532 - 성서의 선교전략 Biblical Strategies of Mission

Master's Thesis

Students in the MAISM are required to complete a thesis, which serves as the culminating project for the degree program. Designed to demonstrate the student’s competence in global mission, thesis should be marked by its integrative quality, drawing together the student’s learning across the MAISM curriculum. The thesis proposal must be approved by the program director. The normal length of the thesis is between 120 and 150 pages. The thesis is examined by the program director/mentor. The student must demonstrate competence in these areas: independent inquiry; mastery of the field of study, use of appropriate scholarly literature; and clear and coherent presentation.