New Student Orientation
This orientation is designed to help entering students adjust to Vine by providing necessary information about the many facets of academic life. This time also allows new students to get to know one another as well as faculty members. Orientation is held just prior to the fall and spring semester.
Student Identity Verification
We ensure that a student registered for an online course or program is the same student that participates in and completes the course or program and receives academic credit. According to the United States Federal Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), an institution must use a secure login and password, proctored examinations, and/or other technologies or practices that are effective in verifying student identification.
All our students are assigned a unique username and password for secure access to Vine systems, including its learning management system (currently Populi). Students are responsible for providing appropriate information in any identification verification process and should never allow others to use their accounts. Professors are responsible for verifying students’ identification to ensure academic integrity.
Students have the right to cancel the enrollment agreement and obtain a refund of charges paid through attendance at the first class session, or the seventh day after enrollment, whichever is later. A student who wish to cancel the enrollment agreement or withdraw from the university must submit a written notice, dated and signed by the student, to the registrar’s office of Vine University by email.
Refund Policy
Students have the right to cancel the enrollment agreement and obtain a refund of charges paid through attendance at the first class session, or the seventh day after enrollment, whichever is later. Students who wish to cancel the enrollment agreement or withdraw from the university must submit a written notice, dated and signed by the student, to the registrar’s office of Vine University by email.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Students must maintain the adequate standard for graduation: cumulative grade point average of 3.0 for master’s and 3.3 for doctoral students. Students are responsible for knowing at the end of a term whether or not they are making satisfactory academic progress.
Students whose academic work is unsatisfactory (cumulative grade point average of below 2.5 for master’s students; 3.0 for doctoral students) will be placed on academic probation. In addition, students may be placed on probation for violations of the academic integrity policy. A notice of probation will be given both to the student and the program director, and the notation will be placed on the student’s transcript.
Academic dismissals occur when a student has either failed to maintain the adequate standard for graduation or violated the academic integrity policy. Academic dismissal will be recorded on the student’s official transcript.
Grading Policy
The Registrar records student grades when they are submitted by faculty after the conclusion of a term. Once recorded, they become a part of the student’s permanent record and may not be altered.
All work for each semester must be submitted by the last day of the semester to avoid receiving a failing grade for the course. A student must request an I (Incomplete) if all work for the course will not be completed by the end of the semester. A student who does not request an I (Incomplete) may receive an F for the class. The work is to be completed before the end of the following semester.
Confidentiality of Educational Records (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) gives students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include:
The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access.
The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student's privacy rights under FERPA.
The right to provide written consent before the University discloses personally identifiable information from the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. "Directory Information" however, is generally available to third parties unless otherwise requested by the student.
The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-5901
Student Complaints
Members of the Vine University community may bring complaints or concerns about harassing or discriminatory behavior to the academic dean. The dean may seek informal resolution when allegations of unlawful discrimination or harassment are received. If an informal resolution does not result, a formal process may be initiated by submitting a complaint or grievance to the dean. Initially, concerns may be communicated orally; however, they should be submitted in writing before any formal review takes place. The written complaint should specify the university policy violated and all relevant factual details.
The dean shall read the complaint, and if it warrants further investigation, then a copy of the complaint should be forwarded to the person against whom the complaint is made (“respondent”). If the allegations would not constitute a violation of a policy, then the dean should inform the grievant in writing that the allegations are not subject to further investigation.
The respondent shall be given 14 calendar days from receipt of the complaint to return a written response to the dean, who then shall initiate a reasonable investigation into the matter. The investigation may include meeting with the parties, talking with witnesses, and reviewing any supporting documents. A grievant may elect to withdraw a formal complaint at any time; however, the university reserves the right to investigate all complaints in order to protect the interests of the University and its community.
Within a reasonable time, the dean shall make a decision based on the formal complaint, response, and any other relevant information. This decision shall be in writing and shall consist of factual findings, conclusions, and a remedy if one is appropriate. All parties shall receive a copy of the decision.
Any party may submit a written request for appeal of the decision to the president of the University within 14 calendar days from receipt of the decision. The request for appeal must specifically set forth all grounds for appeal. The non-appealing party must be given the opportunity to respond in writing to the request for appeal. Within a reasonable time, the president shall make a decision based on the complaint, response, decision, request for appeal, any response to the appeal, and any meeting the president held in regard to the appeal. The decision of the president shall be final. All parties shall receive a copy of the president's decision.
All written decisions made and materials produced in a grievance conducted under this procedure shall be retained by the academic dean for at least two years from the date that the final decision was issued.If the student believes that the complaints have not been satisfactorily resolved by the institution, the student may contact the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education at 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95833,, toll-free telephone number (888) 370-7589 or by fax (916) 263-1897.
Academic Integrity
We, at Vine University are committed to building a community of faith and learning and regard academic fairness and integrity as integral to the community life. We seek to practice fairness in evaluating all academic work that represents the student’s own academic efforts and is in keeping with regularly accepted standards of academic integrity. At the beginning of each course, the instructor and students are expected to reaffirm their commitment to academic fairness and integrity. The instructor and students are encouraged to establish a community which values serious intellectual engagement and personal faithfulness. Therefore, any work submitted that violates the standards of academic integrity may be subject to a disciplinary action.
Student examination. Students are expected to complete all examinations, including those that are not proctored, with integrity. The instructor may require students to agree to an integrity statement upon taking an exam.
Cheating. Students may not use any resources that are not expressly permitted by the instructor. When cheating occurs, the student will receive a grade of zero for the work involved, and the case will be reported to the academic dean, who may take an additional action.
Plagiarism. Students may not use ideas from published, unpublished or electronic sources without proper quotations; and may not submit as their own work material obtained from another source. When plagiarism occurs, deliberately or naively, the student will receive a grade of zero for the work involved, and the case will be reported to the academic dean, who may take an additional action.