Foundational courses provide the student with a comprehensive course of study, integrating basic elements of a given discipline. Advanced courses help students progress to deeper levels of learning through an in-depth exploration and research.

Bible (BI)

BI 500 Old Testament Survey (3 credits)
A broad survey of the Old Testament including overall theological themes, major divisions, literary features, and historical backgrounds. Students will be introduced to basic methodology and bibliographical tools used in the study of the Bible.
BI 501 New Testament Survey (3 credits)
A broad survey of the New Testament including overall theological themes, major divisions, literary features, and historical backgrounds. Students will be introduced to basic methodology and bibliographical tools used in the study of the Bible.
BI 705 Jesus Christ and the Gospels (4 credits)
This course examines each of the Four Gospels of the New Testament from literary, historical, cultural and theological perspectives with the purpose of understanding the person and work of Jesus, based on their portraits, for the contemporary church.
BI 712 Missionary Speeches in Acts (4 credits)
This course examines the mission of the church in the Book of Acts from social and theological
perspectives with the expressed purpose of analyzing and interpreting missionary speeches for insights for the contemporary mission of the church.

Intercultural Studies (IS)

IS 758 Intercultural Leadership (4 credits)
This course investigates leadership in intercultural contexts with a Gospel-centered emphasis. It covers the selection and development of leaders, the implementation of leadership principles and practices, and the creation of a personal development plan.
IS 741 Ethical Formation in Intercultural Context (4 credits)
This course promotes the spiritual and ethical development of leaders with a view to their development as global leaders. It also addresses their capacity to stimulate the spiritual and ethical formation of a congregation or faith agency in intercultural context.
IS 770 Language and Culture (4 credits)
This course examines the social and cultural contexts of languages as well as linguistics concepts. It approaches language as a repository of history and knowledge as well as the culture of a group of speakers and facilitates critical reflection on language use.

Ministry/Practical Theology (MN)

MN 552 Lifelong Leadership Development (3 credits)
An in-depth study of the development of a leader’s life with emphasis on God’s formative activity, context of time, and the leader’s response to God’s formation. Students will master perspectives that enable them to assist others in their lifelong development.
MN 581 Mentoring and Developing Giftedness (3 credits)
An in-depth study of mentoring as a life-shaping relationship between mentor, mentee, and the Holy Spirit; and of the doctrine of spiritual gifts, with an emphasis on leadership gifts. Students will have the opportunity to create a model for mentoring the emerging generation and developing gifted people.

Missiology (MS)

MS 501 Biblical Principles of Mission (3 credits)
A comprehensive study of the mission of God as a central theme of the Scriptures. Students will be introduced perspectives on the mission in both the Old and New Testaments
MS 502 Biblical Strategies of Mission (3 credits)
A general study of the concept of strategy and its importance in mission. Students will be introduced biblical perspectives to assess contemporary mission strategies.
MS 503 Worship and Mission (3 credits)
A comprehensive understanding of the role and character of Christian worship across diverse cultural contexts. Students will be introduced a biblical, theological and historical foundation and practical framework for contextualizing meaningful Christian worship and witness.
MS 510 Contemporary Theology of Mission (3 credits)
An overview of various theologies of mission with special emphasis on current issues in missiology.
MS 514 Folk Religions and Mission (3 credits)
A comprehensive study of folk religions including the character and function of the ‘excluded middle’
in cultural beliefs. Students will be introduced to issues of spiritual warfare and syncretism in
communicating the Christian gospel.
MS 533 Missiology of Acts (3 credits)
An in-depth study of the book of Acts leading students toward a mastery of the book’s missiological character, themes, and issues. Students will sharpen their missiological thinking by using the book’s perspectives to assess contemporary mission approaches.
MS 534 Pauline Theology of Mission (3 credits)
An in-depth study of Paul’s integrated approach to mission. Students will enhance their missiological
thinking by both analyzing Paul’s paradigm and using it as a standard for assessing contemporary
mission approaches.
MS 546 Asian Mission History (3 credits)
A thorough exploration and examination the missionary movements in Asia with special emphasis
on biographies, types of mission field, and missionary strategy.
MS 565 Intercultural Communication (3 credits)
An in-depth examination of factors contributing to effective communication in diverse cultural
settings. Students will draw implications for teaching and evangelizing in specific cultural settings
with attention to particular outcomes.
MS 575 Mission Field and Evangelism (3 credits)
An evaluation of various non-Christian worldviews with the aim of articulating the Christian gospel
as truly good news. Students will develop missional strategies to reach people from different religious or cultural backgrounds.
MS 577 Missionary’s Cooperative Ministry (3 credits)
An applied study of the methods of cooperative ministry among missionaries. Students will explore in depth the challenges, rewards and methods of forming a strategic cooperation among missionaries local and abroad.
MS 580 Mission Project (3 credits)
A cumulative project course for students involving research in a specific area of interest to the student while demonstrating an integration of the program learning outcomes.
MS 587 Relationship-Centric Mission and Communication (3 credits)
An advanced study of the roles of communication in mission with special attention to the development of relationships across cultures.
MS 800 Missiological Research and Writing (4 credits)
This course covers the process of missiological research and writing with the purpose of developing writing skills and providing a research strategy for finding a research topic appropriate for missiology and using a corresponding method and relevant literature.
MS 804 Missiology (4 credits)  
This course examines the history of missiology as a crucial field in theological discipline with a critical reading of a range of scholarly works on mission theology and practices. It addresses major issues and concepts of missiological discourse since mid-20th century.
MS 818 Mission Strategies Seminar (4 credits) 
This course critically examines, from theological and historical perspectives, significant strategies and issues related to Christian missions.
MS 851 Korean Mission History Seminar (4 credits)
This course traces the missionary movement of the Korean church as a major force in contemporary world mission since mid-20th century.
IS 763 Korean Worldview in Global Context (4 credits)  
This course examines, from a global context, factors shaping Korean worldview and identity including diverse religious and spiritual traditions.
MS 893 Encountering Islam Seminar (4 credits)  
This course examines Muslim faith and practice with an emphasis on the traditional and contemporary academic narratives about Islam.
MS 894 Evangelism in Muslim Context Seminar (4 credits)  
This course focuses on models and perspectives of witness in Muslim contexts with emphasis on case studies and contemporary scholarship.

Theology (TH)

TH 500 Survey of Church History (3 credits)
A broad survey of the major movements within Christian history from the beginnings of the church to the Reformation. Students will be introduced to basic methodology and bibliographical tools used in the study of the past.
TH 502 Systematic Theology (3 credits)
A comprehensive study of Christian theology including the character and activities of the triune God and the character and function of Scripture. Students will be introduced to the integrative nature and methods of systematic theology.
TH 753 Christianity in Asia (4 credits)
This course examines the development of Christianity in Asia with light of the political, social, cultural, and religious realities. It encourages students to critically reflect on contextualization of Christianity through the efforts of missions and Asian churches.


MS 599 Master’s Thesis (6 credits)
Students will be enabled to complete the basic research for a thesis and prepare a draft. The process will be supervised by the student’s adviser and entail independent work.
MS 880 Dissertation Research and Writing (8 credits)
This course guides students through the process of dissertation research and writing from refining ideas about a dissertation topic to developing main chapters while building a community of researchers that support each other in the development and implementation of research plans.